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Long, long ago, to start from the beginning, I'm looking for a file synchronizer that can handle more that just 2 folders but more confortable than the included system "briefcases".
It have to:

Since I have never found anything similar so I began to think about writing one by myself.
After having rewritten it twice (the file-comparing engine was really a mess), here there is the result of my efforts.  I still have to add some more feature, but it seems to be quite reliable (I use it daily at work).

Actually it has the following key features:

The program is engineered to be simple but not idiot-proof.  It's addressed to users with a quite strong technical background.  So if you are a beginner, probably this program is not for you.

A bad usage of the program could lead to the loss of your data.  So when you use it, you have to be careful and you have to know exactly what you are doing.

I hope you find it useful as I do.


Best regards

Stefano Bordoni